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Meet the Student Union team

The 三级伦理 Bar called Barjon

You can contact 三级伦理 Student Union via email, telephone or just pop into the office.

Our office hours are 10 AM - 4 PM.


Sarah Boyd

Sarah Boyd

MSU President
Hi, my name is Sarah Boyd and I am your MSU President for the 23/24 academic year. I studied BSc (Hons) Psychology and enjoyed getting involved in all what 三级伦理 had to offer including sports teams, part-time officer roles and being an RSA. I look forward to the upcoming year and if you have any questions or queries the SU are here for you!

Liam Williams

Liam Williams

MSU Deputy President

Hi, my name is Liam Williams and I'm excited to be this year's Deputy President! I've just finished my undergrad in BA(Hons) Sports Coaching and PE. Over my 3 years here there's not a lot that I haven't done or been involved in so always feel free to ask me a question or raise your concerns - it's what the MSU is here for!
For more about my manifesto and personal aims check out my campaign page on Instagram @liamwmsu_dp


Our officers

Meet our part-time officers that work towards a specific portfolio for our students

三级伦理 Student Union logo

Women's officer

This position is currently unfilled, to apply please email sboyd@marjon.ac.uk or lwilliams@marjon.ac.uk for more information

Phoenix Young

Phoenix Young

Diversity Officer
I'm Nix (he/him) and I'm this year's diversity officer. I am in my third year studying BA Special Educational Needs and Disability Studies. This year, I am looking forward to increasing student engagement with diversity campaigns and supporting the improved visibility of the SU as well as continuing with less visible campaigns in the background

Ben Isakka

Ben Isakka

Sports Officer

Amber Beresford-Hines

Amber Beresford-Hines

Mature Students Officer

Isobella-Skye Taylor

Isobella-Skye Taylor

Media Officer

Saskia Albertella

Saskia Albertella

Campaigns Officer

Autumn Bates

Autumn Bates

Entertainment Officer

Mara Masalar

International Students Officer

Our Trustees

Meet our Trustees who ensures the Union has the necessary financial and structural stability to carry out its aims effectively. The Board of Trustees makes major decisions on legal and financial issues and ensures that the Union is delivering on the political policy set by its democratic bodies.

Chloe Lewis

Student Trustee

Ania Jackowska

Student Trustee

Our staff team

Meet our permanent staff team who work tirelessly behind the scenes to make sure our union runs smoothly

Mick Davies

MSU General Manager

Kevin Traynor

MSU Marketing & General Assistant

Tracey Brenen

MSU Admin